Product Recommendations

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Summary: Find a solution to a specific problem

Did you know Happy Mammoth has products that help over 40 different conditions (and counting…)?

Find your biggest concerns below and we will provide a recommendation for the products best suited to your needs.

Although our products are all natural supplements, and we do have customers with specific health conditions use them, we always recommend consulting a healthcare professional first to assess whether they are suitable – just to be sure…

  • Prebiotic Collagen Protein
    Thanks to its high concentration of glycine, collagen can help to reduce acid reflux and its associated symptoms, allowing the body to produce more stomach acid and aid in digestion.

    Low stomach acid is the main cause of acid reflux and not too much stomach acid, which many people believe.Amino acids also help to build the tissue lining the colon and GI tract, which can help to treat reflux.

  • Vital Digestive Enzymes
    Vital Digestive Enzymes help to balance gut bacteria. An unhealthy gut microbiome can lead to challenges with acid reflux.

    A recent scientific study published in the 2008 “Alternative Medicine Review: A Journal of Clinical Therapeutic found the enzyme lactase to be an effective support for digestive imbalances.


  • Ultra-Absorb L-Glutamine
    It can help to heal and repair a damaged gut lining, which can be a major contributor to reflux.

  • Prebiotic Collagen Protein
    When you have challenges with acne, it can be for various reasons. Factors that contribute to it can be poor digestion and an imbalance in gut bacteria. Research tells us that the supplementation of probiotics and prebiotics, whilst cleaning up your diet, promotes healthy skin.

  • The Complete Hormone Synergy System
    This package includes Prebiotic Collagen Protein, Hormone Harmony, and Hormone Harmony PLUS+.

    When Collagen Protein is digested, collagen peptides attach to fibroblast cells. These are responsible for synthesizing collagen in the body. They are the most common cells which make up the connective tissue in the skin, nails, and hair.

    Collagen peptides bring about the production and restructuring of new collagen by stimulating the fibroblast cells.

    Hormone Harmony is a blend of natural ingredients to help correct hormonal imbalances. Acne is usually hormonal when it appears in areas where a male would have a beard, so this is your jawline, cheeks, chin, and upper neck.

    Its blend of natural ingredients helps to balance your estrogen, cortisol, progesterone, prolactin, and testosterone levels.

    It also contains 30 billion probiotics. When combined with the prebiotics from the Prebiotic Collagen Protein, this will help to repopulate your microbiome.

    And finally, there's Hormone Harmony PLUS+. This contains Myo-Inositol, which has also been proven to help with cystic acne.
  • Prebiotic Collagen Protein
    Our Prebiotic Collagen Protein can be beneficial for anaemia, as it contains protein hydrolysates. They absorb minerals, such as iron, or other metals.

    The chelation ability of protein hydrolysates is thought to be a key factor in the promotion of iron absorption.

    By mixing Prebiotic Collagen Protein, in a smoothie, with fruits and vegetables that are rich in iron, such as figs, kale, avocado, bananas, beets, spinach, chia seeds, apricots, oranges, and coconut, you can further enhance Prebiotic Collagen Protein's beneficial properties.

  • Prebiotic Collagen Protein
    Antibiotics are engineered to kill all the bacteria in your body and cannot tell the difference between good and bad bacteria. If you've had antibiotics, it's likely you'll have a bacteria imbalance. Prebiotics have been shown to help feed the good probiotics that your gut is craving to help restore a thriving microbiome.

  • Prebiotic Collagen Protein
    Collagen helps joints, bones, and muscles maintain structure, helping to ease joint and knee pain.

    Many of us have challenges with painful inflammation and irritation in the joints, especially in the load-bearing knee area.

    Collagen Peptides can have many great benefits on cartilage tissue. Studies show it can help with joint pain and helping to relieve the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

  • Organic Beef Bone Broth
    Our Organic Beef Bone Broth can help with easing joint pain, whilst promoting muscle recovery. It's a great source of Type 1 Collagen, which targets joint pain and can be really helpful for conditions, such as osteoarthritis.

  • Prebiotic Collagen Protein & Probiotic Power Greens
    If you have challenges with bloating, gas, and diarrhea, it's more likely a result of a digestive tract condition. Often, the simple addition of prebiotics and probiotics can help with these.

    Research shows that prebiotics are helpful for diarrhea, gas, inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn's disease, and H. Pylori infection.

    L. Rhamnosus strains are naturally found in foods and are one of the most widely studied probiotic strains. Various health effects are well documented, including the prevention and treatment of diarrhea.


  • Digestive Super Cleanse
    The digestive benefits of Diatomaceous earth help to cleanse and detoxify the human body of bad bacteria, helping you to eliminate uncomfortable bloating, excessive wind, and unwanted gas.

    By helping to improve healthy digestion through the removal of parasites, toxins, and other impurities, Digestive Super Cleanse can help to ensure a functional and unburdened digestive system.


  • Vital Digestive Enzymes
    When you have any kind of enzyme deficiency, food sits in the gut and festers. This leads to IBS-type symptoms. Lipase and other pancreatic enzymes have been shown to help reduce gas, bloating, and that feeling of 'I've eaten too much' following any meal.

    Things like bloating, gas, reflux, etc, are typical symptoms of someone who has a gut flora imbalance. The enzyme lactase is effective for digestive imbalances.

    Research indicates that some patients with irritable bowel syndrome-type symptoms may have exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. This means they have the inability to digest food because of the lack of digestive enzymes made by the pancreas.


  • Fermented Happy Fibre (diarrhea)
    Gastrointestinal problems, such as diarrhea, results in a significant loss of water and can contribute to malnutrition, due to the inability to absorb nutrients.

    The consumption of resistant starch, particularly green bananas, has been shown to control diarrhea activity.

    Research published in Digestive Diseases and Sciences displayed their effectiveness by running a study and found that by its one-week conclusion, babies with severe diarrhea reported a reduction of up to 50% in stool weights, meaning that they were able to absorb nutrients more efficiently.


  • Hormone Harmony
    Fennel Seed extract is clinically proven to provide antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory benefits that are useful in relieving a number of premenstrual and digestive problems, including pain, bloating, fluid retention, and gas.


  • Bloat Banisher
    If you’re struggling with bloating and uncomfortable digestion, Bloat Banisher is here to help! This powerful blend of 7 enzymes automates a flawless digestion, so you can enjoy delicious meals and guilty pleasures without worry or discomfort. 

We could potentially recommend our Vital Digestive Enzymes.

Although Bile Salts do not contain any digestive enzymes, it plays an important role in the digestion of fats. Bile juice has bile salts such as bilirubin and biliverdin. These break down large fat globules into smaller globules so that the pancreatic enzymes can easily act on them.

Bile is a digestive fluid that consists of cholesterol, bile acids, water, potassium, sodium, and bilirubin – a waste product formed from the breakdown of red blood cells.

Bile, which is produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder, plays a vital role in the digestion of fats. Bile and bile salts are made in the liver and stored in the gallbladder between meals.

Without the right amount of bile at the right time, dietary fat molecules are too large to fully break down. If this is the case, we could recommend taking a digestive enzyme that contains lipase, which our Vital Digestive Enzymes does.

Potentially, we could also recommend taking an ox bile supplement before meals, alongside our Vital Digestive Enzymes. Bile from oxen is most similar to humans, so it can make a huge difference.

  • Hormone Harmony
    Recently, American Ginseng has also been recognized as a powerful adaptogen that's clinically proven to enhance mental performance, improving both memory and mood.
  • Digestive Super Cleanse
    Food-grade Diatomaceous Earth (coming from Digestive Super Cleanse) helps destroy candida.

  • Probiotic Power Greens
    Candida can be caused by a number of different factors. There is some evidence to suggest that an imbalance in the “good” and “bad” bacteria in your gut could contribute to it and that Probiotics could be of assistance.

  • Fermented Happy Fibre
    As fibre passes through the digestive system, it flushes away waste, harmful toxins, and LDL (bad) cholesterol from your system.

    A recent study found that those on a resistant starch enriched food plan resulted in a loss of abnormal fat levels (LDL) in their blood, setting them up for improved heart health.

    Similarly, the Molecular Nutrition & Food Research Association concluded that eating resistant starch-enriched flour over a 2-week period played a part in lowering total cholesterol by about 7% compared to a control diet lacking resistant starch.

  • Hormone Harmony
    Recent research also supports the use of Gymnema sylvestre as an effective weight management tool. Research published in Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry revealed that taking Gymnema sylvestre for just two weeks was enough to reduce body weight and HDL cholesterol.

  • Prebiotic Collagen Protein
    It contains a high concentration of collagen. This can assist with the absorption of water within the intestines, and keep things moving more freely out of the body.

  • Fermented Happy Fibre
    It's a prebiotic multi-fibre resistant starch source that helps promote regular bowel movements.

  • Complete Belly Reset
    Complete Belly Reset contains scientifically proven ingredients that adapt to each person’s specific gut issues, for an effortless bowel movement every single day – without straining, excessive wiping, or wasting time on the toilet.
  • Prebiotic Collagen Protein
    For Crohn's disease, we usually recommend our Prebiotic Collagen Protein. It's great for targeting IBS symptoms, as it assists in the regulation of stomach acid, overall digestion, and repairing/healing a damaged gut lining. Also, the amino acids coming from collagen are helpful for forming connective tissue, therefore, helping to ease Crohn's symptoms.

  • Ultra-Absorb L-Glutamine
    We'd also recommend going for Ultra-Absorb L-Glutamine for helping to reduce IBS symptoms, as this product slowly forms a thin mucosal layer between the bacteria in your intestines and the intestinal walls. This coating allows your intestinal wall to slowly start to heal, whilst it contains the bacteria.

  • Prebiotic Collagen Protein
    As Prebiotic Collagen Protein contains a high concentration of amino acids, it helps to heal and repair the gut lining. This can inhibit bacterial inflammation and, therefore, help address diverticulitis.

  • Fatigue Eliminator 

  • The Complete Gut Synergy System
    The Complete Gut Synergy System contains prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics. Probiotics feed on prebiotics of which postbiotics are the by-product. A balanced microbiome can help to reduce skin challenges, such as eczema.

  • Digestive Super Cleanse
    Digestive Super Cleanse can also be used externally to help remove harmful toxins and obtain cleaner, smoother, and more vibrant skin. It may also have anti-ageing effects given its ability to facilitate the use of calcium. This can further strengthen bones, nails, and teeth.

  • Organic Beef Bone Broth
    Our Organic Beef Bone Broth is rich in a special healing protein called collagen, known for its highly potent anti-ageing properties. Combined with the high levels of amino acids and minerals, collagen helps nourish and hydrate skin, strengthen nails and improve hair texture.

  • Hormone Harmony
    Changes in hormone levels can lead to hormonal eczema. This is why you may experience eczema during your period, after pregnancy, or during menopause. For this, we could recommend our Hormone Harmony capsules, which work for women of all ages going through Perimenopause, Menopause, Post-Menopause, Estrogen Dominance, PCOS, Endometriosis, and other Hormone Imbalances. Its blend of natural ingredients helps to balance your estrogen, cortisol, progesterone, prolactin, and testosterone levels.

  • Hormone Harmony
    These adaptive herbs have been shown to aid the breakdown and detoxification of estrogen, making it particularly helpful for those with estrogen dominance.
  • Hormone Harmony
    Rhodiola is another clever adaptogenic herb that helps the body cope with physical, environmental, and chemical stress. Traditionally, Vikings drank cups of Rhodiola tea to enhance stamina and physical performance before a raid. Today, Rhodiola extract is still used to increase energy, but it’s also clinically proven to be effective in de-stressing, treating depression, and boosting confidence.

    Rhodiola extract is a known fatigue fighter, and it has been shown to be particularly effective against stress-related fatigue. energy levels, particularly post-exercise. the evening.
  • Prebiotic Collagen Protein
    Prebiotic Collagen Protein may help address fibromyalgia symptoms, as it contains a high concentration of amino acids. These can help to overcome muscle stiffness and chronic pain.

  • Ultra-Absorb L-Glutamine
    This can help to correct bacterial imbalances of firmicutes, which are known to contribute to fluid retention.

  • Hormone Harmony
    Women usually experience various symptomatic reactions to their hormonal changes during the menstrual and premenstrual cycles.

    These hormonal imbalances affect every woman differently. Yet, women can suffer from liquid retention during their period and pregnancy. This occurs due to the increment in estrogen levels since estrogen can act as a fluid-retaining hormone. 

    As estrogen levels rise during the menstrual period, menopause or pregnancy, it is common for women to experience dehydrationsudden internal heating sensations, and increased sweating. The body reacts to this by saving and creating a reserve of water by interrupting the normal expelling of fluids, generating involuntary fluid retention.

    To balance your hormones, we recommend following a healthy diet rich in good fats, exercising regularly but not too much, improving sleep, and avoiding stress as much as possible.

  • Fermented Happy Fibre
    Fibre is an excellent ally against edema. This nutrient has many beneficial effects, such as acting as a cleaning agent that removes the excess of nutrientsminerals and wasteful liquids in our bloodstream, kidneys, and intestines.

    Fibre can also get through the interstitial space between the cells, which is where most of the retained liquid is stored, causing water retention.

    Seedsbeans, and legumes are rich in fibre, so we highly advise including them in your day-to-day diet more often!

  • Ultra-Absorb L-Glutamine
    This can help to strengthen and re-adjust the immune system, which can help to overcome intolerances. Being a powerful amino acid, it's also helpful for healing and repairing the gut lining.

    L-Glutamine slowly forms a thin mucosal layer between the bacteria in your intestines and the intestinal walls. This coating allows your intestinal wall to slowly start to heal, whilst it contains and holds the bacteria. L-glutamine supplementation has been shown to increase intestinal barrier function, which can help with food intolerances.

  • Vital Digestive Enzymes
    If you can’t digest your food effectively, then you can’t absorb any of the nutrients into your body. This is known as nutrient malabsorption and is often the underlying cause of many health problems.

    If the body fails to produce enough digestive enzymes, certain foods are not digested properly. This leads to digestive stress which is typically the beginning of food intolerances and irritable bowel syndrome.

    The supplementation of Digestive Plant Enzymes that have a high protease content has been shown to help with food allergies, as they're effective at breaking down protein allergens. They also work to block the process that causes the reaction.

    Individuals with low pancreatic enzyme output have an increased chance of having challenges with food allergies, and the supplementation of enzymes can help.

    Studies show that sufficient levels of lipase enable the body to effectively absorb vitamins and minerals from the foods you eat.

  • Digestive Super Cleanse
    Over time, unwanted toxins accumulate and block the body's ability to absorb vital nutrients which can lead to a host of health issues such as fatigue and gut dysfunction. Digestive Super Cleanse gently exfoliates the intestine wall, sweeping away impurities that sit in the gut.

    The benefits of Diatomaceous earth can be seen throughout the digestive system, with the composition of this material proving useful in cleansing the intestines and digestive tract.

    Silica can be beneficial in soaking up and sweeping away a range of heavy metals and other toxins, as well as helping to eliminate intestinal worms, intestinal parasites, candida, heavy metals, and other dangerous microorganisms.

    The silica in Diatomaceous earth can be taken to reduce the accumulation of waste and improve gut health, with silicon dioxide found to improve gastrointestinal disorders 💛

  • Probiotic Power Greens
    Probiotic Power Greens is the only scientifically formulated blend consisting of probiotics, antioxidants, and cruciferous superfoods. Together, this formula is a bioavailable powerhouse and assists in the yielding of super phytonutrient sulforaphane.

    Probiotic Power Greens has high levels of L-theanine, an amino acid that promotes a state of calm energy and well-being. When paired with an antioxidant called catechins, it’s been proven to enhance cognitive power and protect the liver from damage.

  • Digestive Super Cleanse
    Gastritis can arise with the overgrowth of bad bacteria. Our Digestive Super Cleanse can help to sweep away impurities, toxins, and harmful bacteria sitting in the gut.

  • Hormone Harmony
    The hormone-regulating properties of rosemary also make it a fantastic natural remedy for women with heavy periods, bad PMS, fibroids, fibrocystic breasts, endometriosis, and hot flashes.
  • Ultra-Absorb L-Glutamine
    Since L-Glutamine helps boost your immune system, it’s safe to say that it can help with an infection of H. Pylori. Taking L-Glutamine will encourage your immune system to send immune cells to the problem areas in your stomach lining. Once they get there, they’ll start to fight the H. Pylori, and L-Glutamine will begin the cellular repair process.

  • Hormone Harmony
    Chaste Tree Berry extract has been shown to relieve the symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes and night sweats.

    The hormone-regulating properties of rosemary also make it a fantastic natural remedy for women with heavy periods, bad PMS, fibroids, fibrocystic breasts, endometriosis, and hot flashes.

  • Hormone Harmony Plus+
    Science shows that women who are deficient in Vitamins D, A, C, B6, Magnesium, and Myo-Inositol are more likely to experience different hormone imbalances—from PMS and irregular periods to hot flashes, mood swings, and unusual weight gain. These deficiencies can also cause autoimmune issues, anxiety, and depression. Hormone Harmony PLUS+ contains the above vitamins and minerals to help with your hot flush challenges.
  • Hormone Harmony
    Below are 3 x links showing how some ingredients in Hormone Harmony can be of benefit in Hypothyroidism. However, it is, of course, advised to check with your general practitioner before taking to ensure no contraindications with any medications/health issues are present.
  • Prebiotic Collagen Protein
    Evidence shows that collagen is effective in strengthening the intestinal barrier of the digestive tract. Studies show that high concentrations of amino acids (coming from collagen) reduce inflammation and hold other numerous protective effects against IBS.

  • Ultra-Absorb L-Glutamine
    When your gut is healthy, the bacteria species stay balanced. They help break down the food you eat, and the “good” bacteria and “bad” bacteria keep each other in check. However, when certain strains of bacteria get overgrown, you start to see problems because overgrowths can cause IBS symptoms. Often IBS is just a sign of an overgrowth of bad bacteria and nothing more.

    Studies have shown that L-Glutamine supplementation had a reduction in their Firmicutes and Bacteoidetes, the bacteria responsible for IBS when they become overgrown.

  • Vital Digestive Enzymes
    If you can’t digest your food effectively, then you can’t absorb any of the nutrients into your body. This is known as nutrient malabsorption and is often the underlying cause of many health problems.

    If the body fails to produce enough digestive enzymes, certain foods are not digested properly. This leads to digestive stress which is often the beginning of food intolerances and irritable bowel syndrome.

    Studies show that sufficient levels of lipase enable the body to effectively absorb vitamins and minerals from the foods you eat. Lipase and other pancreatic enzymes have been shown to help reduce gas, bloating, and that “I’ve eaten too much” feeling following a meal.

    Research indicates that some patients with irritable bowel syndrome may have exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. This means they have the inability to digest food because of the lack of digestive enzymes made by the pancreas.

    A 2010 scientific study also indicates that pancreatic enzyme therapy can help reduce unpleasant symptoms like diarrhea and abdominal pain for IBS sufferers.

  • Postbiotic Beauty Reds
    There's a particularly interesting Postbiotic called butyrate. Studies suggest that this fatty acid can help to ease the symptoms associated with IBS and IBD by suppressing inflammation and assisting in the regulation of cell turnover.


  • Prebiotic Collagen Protein
    Prebiotics have been found to boost your immune system and strengthen your body's defenses against illness. Healthy bacteria can train your immune system to distinguish between 'foreign' microbes and those originating in your body, making prebiotics the best front-line defense against infection.

  • Organic Beef Bone Broth
    Our immune system is responsible for fighting off disease and keeping us healthy on a daily basis, and research shows us that the amino acids found in broth can help with this.

  • Digestive Super Cleanse
    The health benefits of Diatomaceous earth influence the entire body, with improved gut health and lower levels of inflammation helping to protect the immune system.

    Diatomaceous earth is incredibly old and originates from deep within the earth’s rich crust, with the diatoms in Diatomaceous earth providing humans with access to some of the most alkalizing minerals available.

    According to research, the silica in Diatomaceous earth helps to boost the production of antibodies and antigens that the immune system needs to fight infections. What this means is simple– faster and more efficient healing from colds, flu, infection, and illness.

  • Probiotic Power Greens
    Having a healthy population of bacteria sitting in your gut protects you from bad bacteria, infection and viruses, and research has shown that probiotics can boost the immune system.

    A particular study of interest found that the two strains Lactobacillus acidophilus and Streptococcus thermophilus helped protect cells from an E.coli infection. To support this, an additional study found that those taking Lactobacillus crispatus were shown to have a reduced risk of developing a urinary tract infection by up to 50%.

  • Postbiotic Beauty Reds
    Postbiotics have long been known to support, and even boost, the health of our immune system, and can help to keep you protected against many common health challenges and ailments. This is because of the effect that postbiotics have on regulatory mechanisms in the body. A diet rich in postbiotics helps to shore up these mechanisms, increasing your body’s ability to respond to potential illnesses before they take hold.

  • Prebiotic Collagen Protein
    Prebiotics have been found to boost your immune system and strengthen your body's defenses against illness. Healthy bacteria can train your immune system to distinguish between 'foreign' microbes and those originating in your body, making prebiotics the best front-line defense against infection.

  • Organic Beef Bone Broth
    Our immune system is responsible for fighting off disease and keeping us healthy on a daily basis, and research shows us that the amino acids found in broth can help with this.

  • Digestive Super Cleanse
    The health benefits of Diatomaceous earth influence the entire body, with improved gut health and lower levels of inflammation helping to protect the immune system.

    Diatomaceous earth is incredibly old and originates from deep within the earth’s rich crust, with the diatoms in Diatomaceous earth providing humans with access to some of the most alkalizing minerals available.

    According to research, the silica in Diatomaceous earth helps to boost the production of antibodies and antigens that the immune system needs to fight infections. What this means is simple– faster and more efficient healing from colds, flu, infection, and illness.

  • Probiotic Power Greens
    Having a healthy population of bacteria sitting in your gut protects you from bad bacteria, infection and viruses, and research has shown that probiotics can boost the immune system.

    A particular study of interest found that the two strains Lactobacillus acidophilus and Streptococcus thermophilus helped protect cells from an E.coli infection. To support this, an additional study found that those taking Lactobacillus crispatus were shown to have a reduced risk of developing a urinary tract infection by up to 50%.

  • Postbiotic Beauty Reds
    Postbiotics have long been known to support, and even boost, the health of our immune system, and can help to keep you protected against many common health challenges and ailments. This is because of the effect that postbiotics have on regulatory mechanisms in the body. A diet rich in postbiotics helps to shore up these mechanisms, increasing your body’s ability to respond to potential illnesses before they take hold.

  • Hormone Harmony
    Chaste Tree Berry (also known as monk’s pepper or chaste berry) is the small, dark berry of the native south Asian tree. Chaste tree berry extract was traditionally used to treat premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms in Ancient Greece.

    This popular herbal treatment has been shown to support healthy hormone levels and relieve menstrual cycle irregularity. Researchers have found that after three months, progesterone levels and luteal phase length had normalized in the women who took 20 mg chaste tree berry extract a day.

  • Prebiotic Collagen Protein
    Proteins are instrumental in the repair and growth cycle during training. Just as protein powders can be implemented at the right moment to maximize muscle recovery and regeneration, so can collagen (a protein).

  • Organic Beef Bone Broth
    The many amino acids found in our Organic beef Bone Broth can help to stimulate muscle protein synthesis, which is essential for the maintenance, growth, and repair of all skeletal muscle groups.

  • Ultra-Absorb L-Glutamine
    L-Glutamine is essential when it comes to healing your leaky gut, stopping sugar cravings, and helping with insulin resistance. First, L-Glutamine has powerful properties that act as anti-inflammatory agents. They go to the damaged lining of your intestinal walls and start to take the inflammation away

    The second thing L-Glutamine does is help to heal your systems at a cellular level, once the inflammation is gone. This helps with both insulin resistance and leaky gut.

    Since L-Glutamine is an amino acid, one of its main functions is to heal damage and help to rebuild strong cells. This will slowly repair any fissures or cracks in your intestines, which can increase your nutrient absorption. Your body will start getting the nutrients it needs, and this can reduce your sugar cravings.

  • Prebiotic Collagen Protein
    Leaky gut and various other gut syndromes allow for the build-up of toxins and harmful bacteria to pass through the intestine and enter the bloodstream. This leads to inflammation and an array of autoimmune conditions. As collagen helps the body form connective tissue and works to repair and strengthen the gut lining, it can be beneficial in treating these conditions.

  • Hormone Harmony
    Gelatinized Maca Extract is scientifically shown to cancel hot flashes and night sweats by up to 87% — in just 4-7 days! Which means it can make these nasty symptoms gone in under a week! Plus, it turns up the heat in the bedroom by naturally boosting desire.4,5
  • Hormone Harmony
    Maca is a highly adaptogenic herb, meaning it works in line with the person's individual requirements. Therefore, it can also help with the decrease in body fat as it supports the functions of hormone and metabolism balance.

    The gastrointestinal support, anti-bloating, anti-inflammation, SIBO support, and metabolism support are presented through the Fennel and Chamomile extract.

    We also put Gymnema extract into it to aid appetite regulation and ultimate metabolism support.

  • Ultra-Absorb L-Glutamine
    L-glutamine is an amino acid that plays a key role in many aspects of your health. Some studies show that it's essential for immune health, cell function, and metabolism.

  • Digestive Super Cleanse
    Diatomaceous earth has been found to eliminate certain stored product pests, such as mealworms and mites, and may play a similar role within the human digestive system.

    Silica can be beneficial in soaking up and sweeping away a range of heavy metals and other toxins, as well as helping to eliminate intestinal worms, intestinal parasites, and other dangerous microorganisms.

    Diatomaceous earth can assist in the fight against dangerous parasites. The composition and low density of this product are ideal for killing and flushing parasites from your body, with smaller intestinal parasites removed directly and larger parasites in the digestive tract chopped up before being flushed out.

    Due to the small size of the silica in diatomaceous earth, this material will not harm your beneficial gut bacteria.

  • Hormone Harmony
    Fennel Seed extract contains helpful compounds that can mimic estrogen’s role in the body, which might explain why the herb is useful in relieving symptoms of premenstrual tension. Fennel Seed extract has been shown to help with weakness and nausea.
  • Prebiotic Collagen Protein
    Collagen peptides may help increase BMD (bone mass density) and lower levels of proteins in the blood that stimulate bone breakdown. Our Prebiotic Collagen Protein could, therefore, help with this condition.

  • Digestive Super Cleanse
    Taking dietary silica can improve the mineral density of your bones, which is in Digestive Super Cleanse. This can, therefore, potentially work to help ease the symptoms of osteoporosis.

  • Hormone Harmony
    Hormone Harmony sounds like a great fit for you as its blend of natural ingredients helps correct hormonal imbalances. In particular, it contains Maca in its blend, which may help with PCOS.

    This is an adaptogenic herb and for women with PCOS, Maca root can be a powerful addition to help reduce estrogen, decrease the appearance of facial hair, regulate periods and increase fertility. Maca also promotes optimal functioning of the hypothalamus, the pituitary, and thereby the overall function of the endocrine glands.
  • Hormone Harmony
    Like the popular tea, chamomile extract is made from the dried chamomile flower plant. This natural sedative is renowned for its calming effect. But chamomile also has powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-irritant properties proven to be effective in the treatment of premenstrual tension, digestive tract inflammation, and stomach pain.

    Studies have shown that chamomile has anti-spasmodic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-anxiety effects that all help to relieve symptoms of premenstrual tension.

    Fennel Seed extract is packed full of the organic compound anethole, which is clinically proven to have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antimicrobial benefits. It can work as an anti-spasmodic, helping to relieve stomach cramps and digestive discomfort.
  • Deep Sleep Mode
    Passionflower (passiflora incarnata) is a herbal supplement traditionally used in the treatment of anxiety and insomnia. It can counter neurotransmitters in the brain that cause us to become excited, providing a calming effect. It is recommended for use approximately an hour before bedtime due to its sedative nature. According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), passionflower is safe for use and may cause drowsiness.
  • Hormone Harmony
    Gymnema Sylvestre is a powerful Indian herb also known as Australian Cowplant or Gurmar (which means “destroyer of sugar” in Hindi). It has a long history of use in Ayurvedic medicine.

    Gymnema Sylvestre’s superpower is its ability to help reduce sugar cravings. The herb contains gymnemic acid, which can block sweet receptors on our taste buds.

    One study by the Florida State University showed that when taken an hour before sugary foods, Gymnema Sylvestre reduced the perception of sweetness, making sweet treats less appealing and so causing participants to eat less of them.
  • Ultra-Absorb L-Glutamine
    L-Glutamine is an amino acid that helps to optimize the immune system, which can potentially ease symptoms of this condition. It slowly forms a thin mucosal layer between the bacteria in your intestines and the intestinal walls. This coating allows your intestinal wall to slowly start to heal, whilst it contains the bacteria.

  • Vital Digestive Enzymes
    Studies have shown that the use of certain proteolytic enzymes can help to reduce the severity of inflammatory bowel diseases and have induced remission of ulcerative colitis.

  • Probiotic Power Greens
    Studies have found that those taking the bacterial strain Lactobacillus crispatus were shown to have reduced risk of developing a urinary tract infection by up to 50%.

  • Digestive Super Cleanse
    The Digestive Super Cleanse in this system is particularly helpful when looking to heal infections of the urinary tract.

  • Hormone Harmony
    Recent research also supports the use of Gymnema Sylvestre as an effective weight management tool. Research published in Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry revealed that taking Gymnema Sylvestre for just two weeks was enough to reduce body weight and HDL cholesterol.

    Fennel Seed extract is clinically proven to provide antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory benefits that are useful in relieving a number of premenstrual and digestive problems, including pain, bloating, fluid retention, and gas.

  • The Complete Hormone Synergy System
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