Synbiotic Bone Broth

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Our Synbiotic Bone Broth Powder supports joint health and lasting gut healing while also improving digestion and alleviating symptoms from both acute and chronic health conditions.

Our bone broth is a rich source of minerals and amino acids which promote healthy hair, skin, and nails. These minerals also improve joint health and energy levels – all resulting in natural anti-aging that can help you look and feel years younger.    

Happy Mammoth’s Synbiotic Bone Broth Powder is made from the marrow bones of 100% grass-fed, organically raised cattle from small Australian farms. 


✅ Naturally Improves Digestion and Reduces Inflammation

✅ Replenishes Depleted Collagen Levels

✅ Balances Hormone Levels for All-Day Energy

✅ Slows Down Aging Process on Skin, Nails & Joints

✅ No Need to Spend HOURS Making Your Own Broth at Home!

Product Highlights

✅ Source of Natural Vitamins & Minerals

✅ Lab Tested Gluten & Dairy Free

✅ Australia’s Most Nutrient-Dense & Complete Bone Broth

✅ Contains a Potent Blend of Probiotics

✅ Free from Seed Oils, Corn & Soil

✅ Dissolves Instantly without Clumping

✅ Developed by Doctors & Naturopaths


Read the most frequently asked questions about the product.

Grass Fed Australian & New Zealand Beef Bone Broth Extract  (70%) [Beef Bones, Beef Broth, Collagen, Heat-resistant Postbiotic Lactobacillus Plantarum - 8 Billion CFU/serve, Heat-resistant  Postbiotic Bifidobacterium Animalis ssp Lactis- 8 Billion CFU/serve, Carrots, Celery, Parsley, Onion, Apple cider vinegar, Sea salt, Black peppercorns, Bay leaf], Nutritional Flakes, Black Pepper, Himalayan Crystal Salt.

The collagen peptides in Synbiotic Bone Broth are mostly made up of Type III collagen.

100% Grass-fed beef bones from pasture fed Australian and New Zealand cattle.

Yes, Synbiotic Bone Broth is completely gluten-friendly.

Mix one serving (8g) into a cup of hot water. Enjoy as needed depending on your daily requirements or as recommended by a healthcare professional.

You can take this product at your preferred time of the day.

Although all of our products are natural supplements, we always recommend speaking with your healthcare professional beforehand. As we're not doctors, we're unable to make recommendations while trying to conceive, during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.

While all of our products are made of natural ingredients, you should always consult with a healthcare professional before giving it to children under the age of 18.

It's best to store this product in a cool, dry place to enjoy all its benefits.

Our health supplements have been designed by experts who ensured every product is safe and gentle with your body. However, in very rare cases, some people experience unpredictable reactions. Please, always consult with your doctor if you experience any adverse effects or allergic reaction.

Our Synbiotic Bone Broth includes 15 servings per pack.

Our Synbiotic Bone Broth has been carefully designed by health specialists to promote gut healing & optimal digestive function with no additives and no harmful side effects.

This product comes with a 60-day guarantee that applies to the one jar- one month supply. Click HERE to know more.

Learn More About Synbiotic Bone Broth

Reverses Gut Damage & Inflammation

Synbiotic Bone Broth repairs intestinal lining by adding a natural barrier that promotes gut function relieving painful, embarrassing conditions like leaky gut, IBS, and IBD. It also contains anti-inflammatory compounds that can help to reduce inflammation in the body, promoting overall health and well-being.

Supports Improved Digestion and Nutrient Absorption     

Synbiotic Bone Broth is low in calories but high in protein. This helps your body stay fuller for much longer. Synbiotic Bone Broth also contains high levels of valuable amino acids. These amino acids reduce Firmicutes in the gut – which are linked to less efficient energy extraction.  

Slows Down the Aging Process

The collagen in Synbiotic Bone Broth helps to promote youthful skin and improve elasticity. Nutrients found in bone broth can help to support healthy bones, joints, and muscles, reducing the risk of age-related issues. 

We make Bone Broth the traditional way so you don’t have to

We allow our premium bones to simmer for 18 hours with fresh organic vegetables and our anti-inflammatory blend including postbiotics to improve the immune system and increase nutrient absorption. 

Our signature 18-hour simmering process causes the bones and ligaments to release healing compounds like Collagen, Proline, and Glycine. 

What makes Synbiotic Bone Broth so beneficial to your health?

So much of our health and wellness is based on what is going on in the gut. Bad diet, poor sleep, inactivity, and alcohol consumption are all leading factors of gut damage. This causes fissures and cracks in the gut lining. Synbiotic Bone Broth naturally seals the gut lining. This repairs the gut damage and protects good bacteria in the gut biome. 

Unprotected gut health can lead to many autoimmune conditions and chronic diseases. Incorporating Synbiotic Bone Broth into your diet can protect your total health. It also provides the immune system with a natural boost.

The collagen in Synbiotic Bone Broth serves as a “youth restoration elixir.” Collagen reduces wrinkles and strengthens joints, bones, nails, and hair. All of which start to deteriorate as we get older due to decreased collagen production.

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