Hair Harmony

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Hair Harmony is a hair supplement that helps women cleanse, rebuild, and nourish their Healthy Hair Pathway. The encapsulated formula has been designed to eliminate the most insidious root causes of hair loss and hair thinning in women, rebuild and strengthen the scalp and hair structure from the inside out, and nourish the hair back to its original thickness, softness, and bounce.


Read the most frequently asked questions about the product.

Just take 3 capsules, daily.

Any cold liquid. 

Yes, you can! It is best combined with Deep Sleep Mode and Hormone Harmony. 

Our Hair Harmony capsules assist with a comfortable tummy because of their natural gut-friendly ingredients and covers multiple root causes of hair thinning and hair loss, including nutrient deficiencies and poor absorption in the gut. However, it isn't a prebiotic or probiotic. For this, we'd recommend our Complete Gut Repair, which contains prebiotics as part of its blend.

  • Many topical treatments contain aggressive artificial ingredients in mondo doses that nuke both the scalp and the hair, which can lead to further hair loss and skin problems.
  • Hair supplements can contain toxic amounts of biotin, silica, and keratin, which can lead to rashes and acne breakouts, but also to severe kidney and liver issues.
  • Most of these “natural” ingredients that go inside these hair products are unregulated and can be highly dangerous. Case in point: one of the ingredients we’ve analysed had 10x the legal level of arsenic!

Our Hair Harmony contains an ingredient called Aquamin F. This is one of the purest forms of high-absorption Calcium, Magnesium, and 72 other trace minerals. The calcified seaweed harvested from the waters of Iceland has a unique honeycomb structure that promotes a higher absorption of essential minerals.

Aquamin’s plant-sourced calcium helps build stronger hair, nails, bones, and joints in women suffering from hormonal imbalances - especially during perimenopause and menopause. With hormone fluctuations being a common cause of hair loss in women, Aquamin F is the perfect 2in1 solution for strong hair that lasts.

It also contains Panax Ginseng, which is the complete annihilator of hair loss factors. It regulates the immune response and hormonal fluctuations, due to stress.

Hair Harmony offers support for hair growth, volume, and thickness. If you're having challenges with psoriasis on your scalp, we'd recommend visiting your healthcare practitioner to discuss potential treatment plans.

However, our Hair Harmony capsules don't affect the scalp. Therefore, they wouldn't have a negative impact on scalp psoriasis.

Our Hair Harmony isn't DHT blocker-based medication. Instead, it's a medically certified and scientifically backed herbal supplement that supports hair growth, volume, and thickness from the inside out.

When discontinuing supplementation with Hair Harmony, it means that the specific mineral, vitamin, and herbal components would not be a part of the regular diet/routine any longer. This could potentially result in the body not having the specific building blocks available that are necessary for healthy hair building, and maintenance. This could mean a possible regression.

However, this depends on the individual, as everybody responds differently, and various other factors are involved. For example, stress, lifestyle choices, sleep, etc.

Hair Harmony aims to support and balance healthy hair from the inside out by empowering the body with the supplementation of essential building blocks to perform its functions at an optimum level. When you stop using Hair Harmony, your developments will not suddenly regress, as is the case with DHT blockers, but it will potentially take away some of the building blocks that have contributed to a supported and improved condition.

Hair Harmony doesn’t work like some hair loss medications, such as Minoxidil or Finasteride, in regard to directly influencing the hair shedding cycle, or speeding it up.

It works by providing all essential nutrients in the most bioavailable and natural form. This will enable the body to perform the rejuvenating and repairing aspects of building a healthy hair shaft, as well as providing all tools to initiate the optimum hair regrowth cycle.

There is no direct influence of Hair Harmony to initiate a sped-up shedding cycle. However, if your body has not been previously supplied with all the nutritional tools to perform the rejuvenating hair process, this could perhaps result in increased activity of repair.

Our vitamin C powder in Hair Harmony is created with a proprietary all-natural process using no alcohols or solvents and uses Non-GMO, Vegan, Halal, and Kosher Sunflower Lecithin that is derived from sunflowers.

Learn More About Hair Harmony

Learn more about our wonderful product, Hair Harmony.  

What Is It?

Hair Harmony is a pharmaceutical-grade hair supplement specifically formulated to help women cleanse, rebuild, and nourish their Healthy Hair Pathway.

The encapsulated formula has been designed to…

  • Eliminate the most insidious root causes of hair loss and hair thinning in women
  • Rebuild and strengthen the scalp and hair structure from the inside out
  • Nourish the hair back to its original thickness, softness, and bounce

Our hair is part of an internal ecosystem that works 24/7 to keep it healthy, strong, and silky. When something disturbs this system — whether it’s specific hormonal imbalances, poor gut health, nutritional deficiencies, or hidden scalp issues, it no longer works efficiently.

Our scalp and hair get deprived of their vital nutrients.

‘The Hair Pathway’…

  • Cleanses the Hair Pathway for faster and longer-lasting results
  • Helps rebuild the scalp and hair with 100% natural building blocks
  • Nourishes the hair to regain its silky beauty and bounce

What Are The Top 5 Science-Backed Benefits of Hair Harmony?

  • Cleanses & strengthens your strands
    Passion Flower — A soothing herb known for calming down a churning mind and eliminating stress 100% naturally. With stress being one of the top reasons for hair thinning, Passion Flower eliminates this major obstacle that stands between you and getting your gorgeous hair back.

    Selenium — Crucial in hair regrowth because it kills free radicals responsible for hair loss and thinning. It also activates an enzyme that helps regenerate important antioxidants in the body, such as vitamin C – which further promotes hair growth and hair regrowth.

    Vitamin B6 — Calms sebum production so that hair follicles can grow in a healthy environment. This also prevents roots from going limp and allows you to go longer between washes, plus it helps boost volume without using any damaging products that contribute to hair loss.

  • Rebuilds your hair
    Biotin is a must-have in our Hair Harmony. Its ability to help with hair growth and regrowth using ingredients that work together to make Keratin, the very essence of your hair’s structure. All these basic building blocks are needed for your hair to gain thickness, strength, and volume. Vitamin B3 (Niacin) can also repair DNA damage at a cellular level, which accelerates the process of rebuilding hair structure and stimulating new, healthy growth.

  • Nourishes your new hair
    Hair Harmony will nourish your newly grown hair with the help of these wonderful ingredients:

    Kelp Extract, a natural, safe, and gentle source of Iodine – proven to benefit hair health. A study also shows that seaweed like Kelp can prevent and even treat alopecia by reducing inflammatory cytokines.

    Vitamin C plays 2 crucial roles in hair nourishment. On the one hand, it helps your body build collagen, which helps thicken and hydrate your hair. On the other hand, it is a major factor in iron absorption, which prevents hair loss from happening due to iron deficiencies.

    Zinc is the underrated protector of hair follicles. Zinc is a potent inhibitor of hair follicle regression and accelerates hair follicle recovery. That means that you’ll keep your full head of hair for as long as possible with the help of this essential mineral.

  • Increases collagen production
    Hair Harmony contains Bamboo Silica, a powerful ingredient that aids in collagen production. Silica is essential for the production of this natural protein which is responsible for joint health as well as skin and hair health. Collagen is the most prominent protein in the human body forming about 3⁄4 of your skin and 1⁄3 of the overall protein in our bodies. Without enough collagen, our bodies tend to show signs of ageing in a more dramatic or extreme fashion with sagging skin, wrinkles, dull hair, and brittle nails. Silica aids directly in the production of collagen but as you age both collagen and silica levels naturally decline. This is why supplementing these compounds is critical throughout hormonal changes later in life.

  • Supports energy and focus that last all throughout the day
    Hair Harmony contains Aquamin F, which is rich in vitamin B. This vitamin has a direct impact on your energy levels, brain function, and overall metabolism. It has even been linked to a lower incidence of stroke and heart problems. Also, it contains high concentrations of magnesium, a mineral that is involved in many essential reactions, such as creating energy, regulating your nervous system, forming proteins, and promoting hair growth.

How do the ingredients work?

Pomanox¼ is “the age shield for skin and hair” — a bioactive fruit extract from pomegranate fruits cultivated in Mediterranean regions of Spain. It's extracted with an eco-friendly proprietary technology based on ultrapure water, that retains all of its nutrients intact.

PomanoxÂź is ridiculously rich in essential vitamins and minerals - specifically vitamins A, B6, B12, C, E, K, magnesium, and potassium. It also contains 3x more antioxidants than green tea, which increases blood antioxidant capacity by 115%. It has been shown in clinical trials to reduce signs of ageing, brighten the skin, and support hair growth and hair strength.

Selenium is crucial in hair regrowth because it kills free radicals responsible for hair loss and thinning. It also activates an enzyme that helps regenerate important antioxidants in the body, such as vitamin C - which further promotes hair growth and hair regrowth.

Vitamin C plays 2 crucial roles in hair nourishment. It helps your body build collagen, which helps thicken and hydrate your hair. It's also a major factor in iron absorption, which prevents hair loss from happening, due to iron deficiencies.

Vitamin B6 calms sebum production, so that hair follicles can grow in a healthy environment. This also prevents roots from going limp and allows you to go longer between washes, plus it boosts volume without using any damaging products that contribute to hair loss.

Vitamin B5, also known as pantothenic acid, works with other nutrients in Hair Harmony to rebuild individual hair shafts. This helps restructure and strengthen hair that is damaged by blow-dryers or heated hair tools, by shampooing too often, or by sun exposure. Another wonderful benefit of Vitamin B5 is that it inhibits acne, making your skin smooth, soft, and dewy!

Zinc is the underrated protector of hair follicles. It's a potent inhibitor of hair follicle regression and accelerates hair follicle recovery. That means that you’ll keep your full head of hair for as long as possible thanks to this essential mineral.

Aquamin F is one of the purest forms of high-absorption Calcium, Magnesium, and 72 other trace minerals. The calcified seaweed harvested from the waters of Iceland has a unique honeycomb structure that promotes a higher absorption of essential minerals.

Aquamin’s plant-sourced calcium helps build stronger hair, nails, bones, and joints in women suffering from hormonal imbalances - especially during perimenopause and menopause. With hormone fluctuations being a common cause of hair loss in women, Aquamin F is the perfect 2in1 solution for strong hair that lasts.

Aquamin F also has proven digestive benefits, increasing nutrient absorption in the gut. With nutrient deficiencies being a top trigger for hair loss and hair thinning, Aquamin F is truly a critical ingredient for new hair growth.

L-Glutathione is an antioxidant with a critical superpower: it can flush out harmful chemicals that may cause hair loss and hair thinning. L-Glutathione has been shown to be essential in stopping hair loss and stimulating regrowth by prolonging the anagen stage of the hair cycle.

Biotin is a must-have in any hair supplement. Its ability to help with hair growth and regrowth is outstanding! However, most hair supplements contain toxic doses of biotin which can eventually lead to hair loss, acne breakouts, and rashes. This is why we have added a balanced amount of Biotin, so you can enjoy perfect hair without any side effects!

Kelp Extract is a natural, safe, and gentle source of Iodine - which has proven benefits to hair health. A study also shows that seaweed like Kelp can prevent and even treat alopecia by reducing inflammatory cytokines.

Passion Flower is a soothing herb known for calming down a churning mind and eliminating stress 100% naturally. With stress being one of the top reasons for hair thinning, Passion Flower eliminates this major obstacle that stands between you and getting your gorgeous hair back.

Bamboo is the fastest growing plant in the world - and it’s all thanks to its main compound, Silica. Besides growing quickly, it is also strong and flexible, even in times of distress. The plant in its purest, most potent form can contain as much as 70% silica, and it has incredible benefits for skin and hair health. It helps to rebuild skin structure, bone density, and individual hair strands - making this pure Bamboo Extract with 70% Silica the most effective tool in getting your strong, thick hair back effortlessly.

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